


venue[英][’venju:][美][ˈvɛnju]n.犯罪地点,案发地点;会场;(尤指)体育比赛场所;审判地复数: venues双语例句1.The Grand Hotel, venue of this week’s talks, is packed out.作为本周会谈场址的格兰德大饭店已经客满。2.This is the Berlin Olympic venue, is not like this spider web?这里是柏林奥林匹克会场,是不是像蜘蛛网呢?3.A copy of written approval from the management authority of thevenue.活动举办地点的管理机构所发出的许可证明书副本一份。4.The chandelier-decked foyer of the venue itself was freezing.有着大吊灯的门厅室内温度都很低。5.Venue: Alu Ancient Cave Scenic Area of Luxi County.地点:泸西县阿庐古洞景区。


The Water Cube looks as a light blue transparent “ice block“, which is based on the natural formation of about 3000 soap bubbles to give a random, organic appearance,sparkling day and night,In the day,it shines brightly in the sunshine like a crystal. At night,it profiled against the night sky like a gorgeous agate.The Water Cube is not only a beautiful building,but also represents Beijing,represents China! It is a great witness of our national progress! It’s a pride of our nation! I like the Water Cube.I cannot but praise it again and again. I hope I could go to Beijing to see it by my eyes during the exciting time of the Olympic Games.我是根据 MM 胖胖12356 的短文改写的,水平有限,希望对你有帮助.