

说明人类驯养狗的历史确实很早,就已经被人类从野生狼驯化为家畜、即狗,有科学家认为狗是由早期人类从灰狼驯化而来,扩展资料:狗是由狼驯化而来的,陕西西安半坡遗址出土的狗骨,狗算是人类最早驯养的家畜,人们就已驯养狗为狩猎时的助手,世界名犬英文介绍Caucasus mastiff:(高加索犬)Source area: Russia。


Caucasus mastiff:(高加索犬)Source area: Russia,Caucasus Republic(原产地)Origin time: Middle ages (起源时间)At first use: Domestic animal nursing dog(起初用途)Now use:Domestic animal nursing dog,Security(现在用途)Body weight scope:45-70 kilograms(体重范围)Body high scope: 64-72 centimeters(体高范围) The Caucasus sheepdog and the outstanding protection dog is similar, for 600 years have protected at least are living are exempt from human and other animal’s violation in here sheep. (高加索牧羊犬与优秀的守护犬相似,至少600年来一直守护着生活在这里的羊免受人类和其它动物的侵害。) ­ Naples mastiff:(那不勒斯獒)Source area: ItalyAt first use:The domestic animal guards the dog, the Fighting dogNow use:Companion dog,Protect guard dogBody weight scope: 50-68 kilogramsBody high scope::65-75 centimetersIt is one of most dangerous dog types in the world, The very developed muscle cover chest, the shoulder swells from is stuck out slightly by the line, the thigh muscle is long, and the width, the dense thin short smooth wool covers the whole body (它是世界上最危险的犬种之一,非常发达的肌肉覆盖胸部,肩隆从被线微微隆起,大腿肌肉长且宽,密细短光滑的毛覆盖全身) Fila:(巴西非勒犬)Source area: BrazilOrigin time:In the 19th centuryAt first use:Tracing, large-scale huntingNow use::Companion dog,Protect guard dogBody weight scope: 41-50 kilograms Body high scope: 61-76 centimeterssaid from some significance, it has played the very important role in Brazil’s history’s each different period. Moreover it not only has the connection with the history, but is also connected with Brazil’s colonizer’s life and the destiny question (从某个意义上说,非勒在巴西的历史的各个不同阶段都扮演了非常重要的角色。而且它不仅和历史有关联,还和巴西的殖民者的生活和命运问题相关联)。 Dogo Argentina(阿根廷杜高犬)Source area: ArgentinaOrigin time: In the 1920sAt first use:Hunting competition,the Fighting dog Now use: Companion dogBody weight scope: 36-45 kilogramsBody high scope: 61-69centimetersDogo is one which of minority dog trained in South America ,It‘s in order to hunt the puma and the cougar。(杜高是在南美培育的少数犬品种之一,为了狩猎美洲豹和美洲狮的猎犬育成了该品种)。


Dogs (Latin Canis lupus familiaris) belong to chordate, vertebrate, Mammalia, Mammalia, Carnivora, schizopodia and Canidae. Also known as “dog“ in Chinese, dogs are distributed all over the world. 

Dog and horse, ox, sheep, pig, chicken are called “six animals“. Some scientists think that dogs were domesticated by early humans from gray wolves, and the domestication time was from 40000 to 15000 years ago. 

Known as “the most loyal friend of human beings“, it is the pet with the highest feeding rate, and its life span is about 12-18 years. In Chinese culture, dog belongs to one of the twelve zodiac animals, ranking 11th among them.


狗(拉丁文Canis lupus familiaris)属于脊索动物门、脊椎动物亚门、哺乳纲、真兽亚纲、食肉目、裂脚亚目、犬科动物。中文亦称“犬”,狗分布于世界各地。狗与马、牛、羊、猪、鸡并称“六畜”。

有科学家认为狗是由早期人类从灰狼驯化而来,驯养时间在4万年前~1.5万年前。被称为“人类最忠实的朋友”,是饲养率最高的宠物,其寿命大约在12~18年  。在中国文化中,狗属于十二生肖之一,在十二生肖中的第11位。



