



英语短剧剧本The Pocket Money
Characters: Narrator (N), Salesman(S), Dad (D), Maggie (M), Alice (A),Candy(C), Policeman (P)
Scene1(At Salesman’s home)
N: In a dark dirty house, there lived a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. He has a lot of money now. But how does he
make the candies? Oh, Xu …… He is coming!
S: Hello, do you know me? No? Oh, let me tell you .I’ m the famous candy salesman at the school gate. My candies are very popular .I don’t know why. The foolish students
always come here. I’ll be a boss soon! Candy, money, candy, money……
Oops! It’s time to make candies now. (看表)
First, put the flour on the table. Then, water, sugar, flour. (边说边做) Now press, press……
Oh, my dirty hands! Never mind! Just do it! (满不在意的情) Press, press……
Oh, my god!(鼻涕)Never mind! Just do it! Press, press, the children will not know it , it’s OK, He He He……
Now let me cut it into pieces! One, two, three, four, five……(用脏菜刀)
Wow, everything is ready!
C:(糖果钻出来跳舞,跳完后,非常难过地说)Oh, I’m so dirty and ugly! What can I do? The students will eat me! And they will be ill! Wu Wu Wu…
S: Mmmm…It looks dirty. Let me give you a nice coat! (给它穿上) Wow! Now it’s so beautiful! Ha ha……
C: Oh, no! Don’t sell me! I’m dirty! (拖糖果下场)
Scene2(At the school gate)
N: The next day, when the class is over, all the students come out happily and the salesman goes to the school gate as usual. (Maggie和Alice 欢快地跑出校门,看到小贩)
S: (小贩拉着糖上场,吆喝):Candies! Candies! Sweet candies! ……
M: Oh, Alice! Look! Candies!
A: Yeah! I think they are yummy!
M: Let’s ask him.
A: OK!
C: Don’t buy me!(非常焦急)
M&A: Why?
C: I’m dirty!
M: No, you look nice!
C: What can I do? (面向观众) Wuwuwu…(小贩将她拉在后面)
S: Candies! Candies!(引诱两个女孩)
M&A: How much are they?
S: Do you have money?(轻蔑)
M&A: Money?(对视)
M: Oh, I’ve no money!(失落之极)
A: Me too.
S: No money? So sorry!(吆喝着走开,下场)
M: What can we do now?
A: Let’s ask dad for money.
M: But how to ask?
A: How? … Oh, I know, let’s make him happy, and he will give us money.(自信)
M: Good idea! (全部下场)
Scene 3:(At Maggie’s home)
N: The children have to go home and ask dad for some money, and they know their father is good at playing guitar, so they will do something clever. (爸爸看报)
M: Dad,dad,let’s sing a song ,OK? (同时Alice去取吉他准备拿给爸爸)
A: And play the guitar for us!
M: We know you play so well!
D: Oh? What a bright day today!
M&A: Please, dad!(哀求)
D:OKOK! Let’s.
D: Which song do you like? How about Edelweiss?
M&A: Of course!
(开始弹,第一段孩子随节奏起舞,第二段孩子开始轻声讨论起来“you first“之类的话,爸爸停止弹琴。)
D: What’s the matter?
M: Dad, we have no money!
A: Can we have some please?
D: I think you have lots of pocket money ,and you don’t need any more.
M:I want to buy some candies at the school gate.
A: They look so sweet and nice!
M: Other students always buy them!
D: But……You can’t ! They are quite unhealthy. Please go and do your homework..(置之不理,转头看报,孩子回到房间)
M: What shall we do now?
A: Let me think …well, I know!(轻声在Maggie耳边说)
M: Oh, you are so clever! Let’s go.(回到爸爸身边)
M: Dad, I want a new eraser!
A: I want a longer ruler!
M&A: Dad, please!
D: Things are expensive these days. We have to save money!
M: But dad, my eraser is too small now!(拿出破橡皮来给爸爸看)
A: And my ruler is broken.(拿出断尺)
D: OK, children. I believe you this time, make sure, don’t buy the food at the school gate. It’s unhealthy! Do you know?
M&A: Yes, sir!
D: Here you are !( 给钱)
M&A: Thanks very much, dad! Bye!(非常高兴,下场)
Scene 4:
N: The next day, when the class is over ,Maggie and Alice come to the salesman again. They are happy to buy the candies and then have them, but soon they feel a
M: Aiyo!……(两人躬着背进场)
A: …….
D: What’s wrong?
M: I’ve a stomachache!
A: Me too!
D: What did you eat? The food at the school gate?
M: Yes. We had some candies just now.
A: I had some too!
D: Oh! You’ve cheated me! You bought the candies instead of the eraser and ruler. I always tell you that don’t buy the food at the school gate, they are unhealthy!(生气)
M: But they look nice!
A: And tastes good!
M&A: Aiyo……
D:Well, Let’s go to the salesman together and have a look!
M&A: OK.
Scene 5: (At the school gate)
N: When they get to the school gate, a policeman is asking the salesman to go away.
P: Hey! You shouldn’t stay here, leave now!
C: Let’s go home, let’s go home! (轻声并拉小贩)
S: No! My candies are nice and popular here! And…
C: You are telling a lie! I’m very dirty and unhealthy!
M&A: Dad, it’s him! Aiyo…(指着小贩)
D: He?
P: What’s the matter with them?
D: They got a stomachache after having his candies.
S: Really? But I’ve never heard of it. And……
P: Stop, stop!(打断小贩) Look at the two girls! Are you guilty? You must be honest with the students, and don’t sell candies any more.(非常严厉)
S: OK. I know. (羞愧)
C: Let’s go home. Let’s go home.
Policeman(对小孩): Girls, please listen! Don’t buy the candies next time. They are bad for your health.
D: Yes, he is right. And you shouldn’t tell a lie to me. Try to be an honest person! Will you?
M&A: OK, dad!
P: Let’s take them to the hospital now.
D: OK, Let’s go.
N(出场): A few days later, the girls recovered. And this story is trying to tell you that some of the phenomenon must be kept down, we hope it could be improved soon.
What’s more, we also hope students themselves can be honest and all the salesmen can be honest as well.




演员: P: Pirate-Grandson. M: Mother.

F: Father. K: King -Grandpa.

旁白: There are 4 members in a family, Pirate, a 7-year-old naughty boy. His mummy is a beautiful white-collar worker. His dad, Andy Lau is a famous singer, and his dear grandpa, King is a kindly old man. Pirate loves his grandpa most, because King is very spoiling him. He hates his parents. Frankly speaking, he is afraid of them, Because they are very strict with him. .


P: Old King, Open the TV, I want to see Tom and Jerry. I love that mouse. Quick! No time! I can’t wait another second.

K: Oh dear! I nearly forget it. Don’t worry, I open it right now. (作开电视状)

P: Ha Ha! It’s really funny! Tom is so good! (作高兴状)搞笑小品

Oh no! “The End!” Where is Tom? I hate the end! (摔电视机,liuxue86.com作极度气愤状) Old King!? (对K吼)

K:Oh, what a pity dog! (作左顾右盼状) Your parents are not here ,and we can change another one ,our brave Pirate, just tell me. I’m sure your demand will be satisfied. (作充满自信状)

P:Really! OK! Now, let’s watch Caribbean Pirates!

K: Humm, No, it’s unfit for you…… (作犹豫状)

P: I just like this film, Old King, you tell lies. You don’t keep your promise.(作气愤欲泣状)

K; Oh yes, I play it for you. (作为难状) But please be quite, I’m afraid your parents wound not like us doing these.

P: Don’t tell so much! I have been an adult man of 7 years old. I promise it to you. (作自豪自信状)

K:OK. (作舒心,安慰状)

P: Fight him, kill him. Throw these bad guys into the sea…… (高声喊)

K: Xu …….. (作禁声状). Remember your promise, young adult man.

P: Oh? What promise? I have forgotten it. (作天经地义状)

K: Oh?! You are right(作理解状,因为Pirate一贯如此,出尔反尔)

P: Old King. I give you an honorable mission. (作自豪状) Be my horse, and I will ride on your back , let’s help these people in dangerous situation, just like a brave knight.(作勇敢状)

K: What! Ride on my back! Be your horse!!(作惊异状)

P: Yes, your hearing is very good, any question? (作若无其事状)

K: No, No, sound a good idea! Very good! You are a brave Pirate. Now come on my back. (作无奈状)

P: (作高兴状,作跃上马背状) Hei! Let’s go! Kill all those bad men. Quick! Run quick! ....... (意气风发状)


P: Oh, my god! Mummy, Daddy! (A,D作慌忙状,挡在电视机前)

M: Dad, what are you doing!? Naughty Pirate, isn’t your trick!? (作气愤状)

P:(作阳痿状) Mummy, it’s not my fault. Old king let me massage his back. Hei Hei (作心虚状,以掩饰内心的恐惧)

M: I don’t believe it. (作严肃状) Dad, isn’t really that? (询问K)

K: Yes, of course, I can’t image a child only 5 year old, can massage so good. Oh……. (释然状,因为圆了我的谎)

M: Really. I don’t believe the litter pirate can massage, who taught him. (作怀疑状) Dear, isn’t you ?

F: No, I haven’t, but I decide to enjoy his massage another day, Do you think so, dear?

M: Yes, really a good suggestion.



P: Mummy, Do you feel a little cold?

K: Yes, I can feel it. (边挥汗边说冷)

M: No, it’s summer. Really hot, do you catch cold?

P: No, No, just my feeling. (更加发抖,一不小心被B看到了电视)

M: Pirate, what’s behind you? (疑问状)

P: Oh, nothing, nothing! (作惊恐状)

M: Move away .little Pirate! (作气愤状)

P: Oh no! The storm will come. (捂脸作害怕状)

M: Caribbean Pirate! What’s a bad film! Little Pirate!? (气愤状)

P: Mummy, I surrender. (作投降状)

M: Daddy ,this film is unfit for him , it is full of killing,force and negative passion, and it will let him become bad !

K: I know that, but I meat to let him watch Tom and Jerry and he like it very much. Yes? Pirate? (想转移话题与Pirate站在同一战线)

P: Yes, a very clever mouse and a stupid cat. (作博学状)

M: Dad, don’t let him watch so much TV, it wastes a lot of time, and it is bad for his eyesight. He may become short-sighted. (诚恳状)



Got the Money Anyway(舞台上是一个餐厅的背景,写着:“苏格兰情调”。本山大叔穿着中山装,身上背着一串蒜头,手上拿着野鸡,拉着毛毛上场。)

(This short play is set in a restaurant named “Scottish Taste / Feel.“ Uncle Zhao, in his customary Chinese tunic suit, enters, carrying a string of garlic on his back and a pheasant in hand, with his granddaughter Yadar in tow.)

Uncle Zhao Here we are. 赵本山:到了。

Yadar Here we are. 毛毛: 到了。

Uncle Zhao It’s the most expensive restrant in Tieling:苏格兰 调情~~~

赵本山:这就是铁岭最贵的一家饭店。这不,苏格兰调情(tiáo qíng)。 Yadar You got it wrong –苏格兰情调!!

毛毛: 爷爷,你念反了,苏格兰情调(qíng diào)。

Uncle Zhao 情调(qíng diào) All right, . We’re gonna have our meal here anyway. 赵本山:啊,情调?就搁这儿吃。

Yadar But it’s very expensive. 毛毛: 爷爷,这家老贵的啦。 Uncle Zhao So what? We’ve got the money, 30,000 yuan. Where’s the bag? 赵本山:贵?咱带钱了,带三万多块,那包呢?

Yadar What bag? 毛毛: 我没拿包啊。

Uncle Zhao The yellow one with the money in it.


Yadar Oh no, I left it on the brick bed. 毛毛: 完了,让我落炕上了。

Uncle Zhao oh,what can I do? I do all this just for you ,how could you forget it! Any money left on you?


Yadar Let me see... (Fumbling) only 70-plus yuan.

毛毛: 兜里,多少钱哪才?才70多块钱。

Uncle Zhao Here’s 400 more.


Yadar Still not enough. 毛毛: 这也不能够啊。

Uncle Zhao It’s ok. Waiter!
