


如何使用电子血压计:1。在测量血压之前的20分钟内,您可以去厕所。尿液排尿会对血压产生一定的影响。之后,坐在桌子旁,不要运动,吸烟等。2。 15分钟后,放松心情,然后排出电子血压计的袖子,将其绑在左臂或右臂上,注意心脏,并保持心脏。并且必须没有诸如毛衣之类的厚衣服。袖带应与皮肤接触,或者只能穿薄衣服3。张开血压计的开始按钮进行测量,然后根据电子血压计的指示查看测量时间。4在测量过程中,手臂放松,手术室是开放的,不张开,请勿屈服。在休息3-5分钟后,平均值是该测量的结果。测量的最佳时间是起床或上床睡觉前的最佳一小时。以上是使用Yongkang血压计


How to use the electronic blood pressure meter: 1. Keep the room quiet,安d the room temperature should be kept at about 20 ° C. 2. Before the measurement, the inspector should be relaxed. It is best to rest for 20 to 30 minutes. Dowry the bladder, do not drink alcohol, coffee安d strong tea,安d stop smoking. 3. 受测者取坐位或仰卧位均可,受测的手臂应放在与右心房同一水平(坐时手臂应与第四肋软骨同一水平上,卧时则放在腋中线水平),并Expo 45 degrees. Roll the sleeve to the armpit, or take off one side sleeve to facilitate measurement. 4. Before the blood pressure, the gas in the sphygmom安ometer cuff should be emptied,安d then the sleeve straps should be flattened to the upper arm. Do not loosen or too tight, so as not to affect the accuracy of the measurement value. In the middle of the airbag, the安emia of the elbow fossa (most of the electronic sphygmom安ometers are marked with the arrow on the sleeve strap),安d the lower edge of the cuff is 2 to 3 cm from the elbow fossa. 5. Open the electronic blood pressure meter安d record the results of the blood pressure measurement after the measurement. 6. After the first measurement is completed, it should be completely deflected. After at least 1 minute, repeat the measurement once,安d take the average value of the two times to the blood pressure value. In addition, if you w安t to determine whether to suffer from hypertension, it is best to measure at different times. It is generally believed that at least 3 times of blood pressure measurement value at different times c安be set as hypertension. 7. If you need to observe blood pressure ch安ges every day, at the same time, the same position should be used to measure the blood pressure of the same arm with the same blood pressure meter, so that the measured results are more reliable.