

犬细小治愈率多少啊,<span class='chameleon-code-v2'></span>好担心啊



狼青狗狗长几个月就不长了!<span class='chameleon-code-v2'></span>


Generally, bone development is about 10 months. The characteristic characteristics of the physical characteristics are the characteristics of the typical wolf dogs with a hybridization of the wolf dog and the wolf. Existing iron green, blue and white, grass yellow. Wolf green dogs have strong adaptability, strong survivability, faithful care, lively and calm, very spiritual nature and easy to tame, which is also loved by the majority of wolf green enthusiasts. It is a very good home care. The preferred variety of the hospital. The northern wolf is fierce and powerful, with dark color, mainly green, iron, and yellow green.肩高公犬在75cm---85 cm母犬肩高70cm—75cm之间脸长头宽三角眼三角耳朵大尾巴中毛性格机敏聪明尤其护主最大的优点在于生存能力强、适应能力强、 Good feeding, in many areas, the first choice for home care centers. Living habits of wolf green dogs, shaped like wolves, fierce sex, keen sense of smell, fierce temperament, easy domestication, solid subjects, high sensitivity, strong aggressiveness, high alertness, strong anti -fighting ability. Once the challenge is challenged, it will attack the challenger, and it will never retreat. It is suitable for enterprises, warehouses, villas, resorts, and family protection. Breeding more to help hunting or shepherds.