

罗汉鱼吃什么食物,<span class='chameleon-code-v2'></span>罗汉鱼喜欢吃什么


罗汉鱼是杂食的水族馆 上述叙述可以证明卢汉很容易饲养,因为它们不是挑食者。当然,不同的食物具有不同的口味,而卢汉(罗汉 Fish)会以不同的方式喜欢它。研究发现,卢汉鱼不排除鱼饲料,面包头皮屑,饼干屑,冷冻虾,冷冻鱼类和其他食物,但他们更喜欢吃新鲜的,活的红色线虫,红色线虫,面包蠕虫,小鱼,虾,虾和虾,和其他食物。 在喂食罗汉鱼的过程中,我们通常建议喂食冷冻的诱饵或人工饲料。尽管新的活诱饵是首选的,但这些活诱饵可能被细菌和寄生虫覆盖,而饮食后的罗汉鱼更可能感染疾病。在捕获这些活诱饵的过程中,吕汉鱼可能由于碰撞而出现疤痕,这对鱼的健康非常不利。 因此,育种者还应不仅要考虑在喂食卢汉(罗汉 Fish)的过程中考虑鱼类的热爱,而且还应使其成为其健康生长的最健康,最合理的食物。这样的危险是喂罗汉鱼的最佳方法。

罗汉鱼吃什么起头 如何让罗汉鱼快速起头

罗汉鱼吃什么起头 如何让罗汉鱼快速起头

How to quickly start with 罗汉 fish: 1. When buying fish, pay attention to understanding the original control temperature of the fish when buying fish! Before the fish arrives at home, adjust the water temperature, slightly higher t汉the original temperature 2 degrees Celsius. Cool 1 degree Celsius every two days, (don't be anxious, slowly fall, and reduce your head too quickly) to 26 degrees Celsius.猛提温至33摄氏度!!保持一个月左右!!只要有基因,哈哈,你就会看到惊喜!!!(保持一个月,也是为了稳住头,避免罗汉鱼头缩回去)重复a、 Step B. After satisfaction, 罗汉yu also became the finished product, and then slowly cooled to 28 degrees Celsius (avoid slowing down to prevent shrinkage). Long -term high temperature after idioms will shorten the life of 罗汉 fish! 2. The sandbag stimulus mirror. Put a mirror on the tank wall or put it a few times a day to stimulate the fighting and aggressiveness of the 罗汉 fish, and stimulate the development of the head. Other fish species. Put other fish species in the tank to attack 罗汉 fish. Remember to let 罗汉 fish attack, not 罗汉fish was attacked. The fish species is mainly better t汉罗汉fish. Such as parrot fish. You can also c汉ge the variety regularly to make 罗汉fish feel a bit fresh. 3. The water stimulus method is also experimented by me, and it feels good. That is 5 days or once a week, a large area of ​​water c汉ges once every 1/3, which can also stimulate the beginning of the 罗汉 fish, but remember that the water temperature should be higher t汉the original water temperature by 1-2 degrees Celsius. 4, environmental stimulus method can also be used to c汉ge the environment. Nirfish. Putting the fish in another tank can also stimulate 罗汉's fish head. But remember that the water quality of the tank should be similar to the original cylinder. Transfer from: Oriental Women's Network