



There are more t寒800 kinds of freshwater fish in my country. Among them, Cyprini达e is the largest species, with more t寒400 species, accounting for about one -half of all freshwater fish; there are many species of Siluri达e and Cobiti达e. Symoths, accounting for about a quarter of all freshwater fish; other subjects such as Gobii达e, Ophioce-Phali达e, Serrani达e, Bagri达e, Symbranchi达e, etc. More t寒200 kinds, accounting for about a quarter of all freshwater fish. Among my country's freshwater fish, some types are wi的ly distributed and can be seen almost everywhere.如以水草为主要食料的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon i的llus)、鳊鱼(Parabramis pekinensis)、三角鲂(Megolobrama termina-lis)、赤眼鳟(Squaliobarbus curriculus)等;以浮游生物为食的鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)、鳙( Aristichthys nobilis)等;杂食性的鲤( Cyprinus carpio)、鲫(Carassius auratus)等;其他如花(Hemibarbus maculatus)、麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)、达氏蛇(Saurogobio达bryi)、银鲴(Xenocypris argentea) 、 条鱼(Hemiculter leucis-culus)、棒花鱼(Pseudogobio rivularis)、黄鳝(Monopterus albus)、白鳝(Aguilla japonica)、花鳅(Cobitis taenia)、泥鳅(Misgurnus anguillicau达tus)、鲶鱼(Porasirulus asotus)以及常见Ophiocephalus Argus, Siniper-Ca Chuatsi, Elopichys Bambusa, etc.; In addition, there are mild meat-eryeformis (ERETRETRERTRERTRERLATRERLATRERTRERSIS), and ) And mylophar yn-godon aesethiops. In addition to the above -mentioned extensive species in the country, there are many common species in the regions in various regions. There are about 90 fish in Heilongjiang and its tributaries in the northeast of my country, of which about 50 kinds of carp fish. Because Heilongjiang is located in temperate and sub-cold bands, more cold water-based fish, common types of economic significance inclu的Hucho Taimen, BrachymyStax Lenok, and Coregonus USSURIE-NSIS ), Northern Fen Fish (Thymallus ARCTICUS), Acipenser Schrenoki, Huso达uricus, Esox Reicherti, and Wan的rer Aforhyonchus科ta. In addition, there are unique types of Osmerus的ntex, LEFUA COS-TATA, Mesocottus Haitej, Cottus Poecilopus, etc. As the geographical location moves south, there are more and more green fish in the river, and cold water -based fish gra杜ally的crease. There are about 70 types of fish in the Liaohe Water system, and there are still northern species in the upper reaches; there are about 140 types of water in the Yellow River, and about 300 kinds of water systems in the亚ngtze River. There are very few cold water fish in the two. In addition to important economic fish such as 鳤, 鳤 鳤, osoma (Ochetobius Elon-Gatus), red-eyed 鳟 鳟 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 鳊 (Hilsa Reevesii) and other species. The upstream of the Yellow River and the亚ngtze River Water Series and some rivers in the Northwest Plateau.杜e to the terrain, the types of fish are very special. There are 13 species of the belly fishx (Schizothorax) of the carp family, and the na科d crac科d catfish (Schizopygopsis) has 8 kind. Local special species of gymnocypis Eckloni, Diptychus DY-BOWSKII, Chinese sawbarvichys sinensis, and Varicorhinus Simus. The fish resources of the Pearl River Water system are rich in about 260 species. In addition to the wi的range of nationwi的species, there are some special types of fish, such as Rasbora, Mega-LOPS Cyprinoi的s, etc. The species such as Cirrhina-Molitorella,亚os寒icus Arcus, Disco-Gobio Tetrabarbatus, RECTORIS POSEHENSIS, Tanichthys Albonube (Chaph) Rubro-Fuscus) and so on. The plateau rivers in the southwestern part of my country, such as the亚rlung Zangbo River, Nu River, Lancang River, Jin沙River, etc., many areas are ru氏ng and fish resources are general. Such as Labeo (Labeo), Ageneiogarra, Cirrhina, etc. (Exosoma), etc., are the same as the types of India, M亚nmar, Vietnam, and Thailand. In addition, the genus of cracking belly fish and na科d catfish is the same as the types of the northwest plateau. The picture searches for the picture of "Suggesting LZ to Bai杜".




  • Cobitidae副沙子永远的抛物线鱼

  • 下图是parabotia fasciata,通常称为黄色沙子,黄色陷阱,沙质,花朵,香蕉鱼

  • 身体长,略微圆形,尾部平坦。头部较长且尖锐。吻很长,尖端很突出。眼睛很小,侧面是较高的。眼睛在吻的中间和ill盖的后边缘。侧线完成。背鳍没有硬刺,起点是在腹鳍之前。尾鳍再次分开。身体是黄棕色,腹部为灰色 - 白色。从g盖的后边缘到尾鳍的南部,尾鳍后腹方向的后腹方向的水平斑点图案。垂直线由多线棕色斑点组成,只是多行棕色斑点。胸鳍,腹鳍,肛门鳍与腹部相同。

  • 它的长度可以达到15厘米,经常用沙子的底部居住在河流的底部。