


wolf单词音标英式:[wʊlf]美式:[wʊlf]中文翻译n.狼;特立独行的人v.狼吞虎咽单词例句用作名词 (n.)The pups played with the mother wolf. 小狼们跟母狼玩耍。He saw a hungry wolf on the prowl with his telescope. 他通过望远镜看到了一头四处觅食的饿狼。Peter is a good footballer, but he is a lone wolf. 彼得是个好足球队员,但他是个不与人合作的人。用作动词 (v.)With tears in his eyes, he would watch them wolf it down and mutter to himself, “Poor motherless children! 看他俩狼吞虎咽的吃那些东西,他眼中含着泪,自言自语的说:“没娘的孩子!”xueci.cn提供翻译。


狼外形和狼狗相似,但吻略尖长,口稍宽阔,耳竖立不曲。尾挺直状下垂;毛色棕灰。栖息范围广,适应性强,凡山地、林区、草原、荒漠、半沙漠以至冻原均有狼群生存。中国除台湾、海南以外,各省区均产。狼既耐热,又不畏严寒。夜间活动。嗅觉敏锐,听觉良好。性残忍而机警,极善奔跑,常采用穷追方式获得猎物。杂食性,主要以鹿类、羚羊、兔等为食,有时亦吃昆虫、野果或盗食猪、羊等。能耐饥,亦可盛饱。英文简介:Similar shape and wolf dogs, but the kiss a little long and pointed, mouth slightly wide, erect ears are not music. Straight-shaped tail drooping; coat brown ash. Habitat for a wide range of adaptability, where mountains, forest, grassland, desert, semi-desert, tundra and even wolves are to survive. Apart from China, Taiwan, Hainan other provinces, autonomous regions are produced. Wolf not only heat, but also afraid of cold. Nocturnal. Keen sense of smell, hearing good. Of cruel and alertness, very good run, often used in hot way to get prey. Omnivorous, mainly deer, antelope, rabbits, etc. for food, sometimes also eat insects, wild fruit, or stealing food pigs, sheep and so on. Ability hunger, Sheng also full.