关于 北极熊的资料 (英文,带翻译)
Polar bears are the world largest land carnivore, also known as polar bear. By zoological classification is mammalia, Bear Branch. Male polar bear in length about 240-260cm, weight is generally 400-800 kg. The shape of female polar bears than about half of male small, body length 190-210cm, weighs about 200-300 kg. Time to sleep before the arrival of the winter, due to the massive accumulation of fat, their body weight up to 800 kg. Vision and hearing of polar bears and humans a considerable, but their extremely sensitive sense of smell is seven times the dogs, speed of up to 60 km, is 1.5 times the world 100 meters champion北极熊是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物,又名白熊。按动物学分类属哺乳纲,熊科。雄性北极熊身长大约240-260cm,体重一般为400-800公斤。而雌性北极熊体形约比雄性小一半左右,身长约190-210cm,体重约200-300公斤。到了冬季睡眠时刻到来之前,由于脂肪将大量积累,它们的体重可达800公斤。北极熊的视力和听力与人类相当,但它们的嗅觉极为灵敏,是犬类的7倍,时速可达60公里,是世界百米冠军的1.5倍
polar bear。
北极熊(拉丁学名:Ursus maritimus),是熊科熊属的一种动物,是世界上最大的陆地食肉动物,又名白熊。皮肤为黑色,由于毛发透明故外观上通常为白色,也有黄色等颜色,体型巨大,凶猛。