


北极熊又称白熊,是在北极里生长的熊,它是陆上最庞大的肉食动物。在它生存的空间里,它是食物链最顶层。它拥有极厚的脂肪及毛发来保暖,其白色的外表在雪白的雪地上是良好的保护色,而且它可以在陆上及海上捕捉食物,因此它能在北极这种极严酷的气候里生存.Polar bears, is also called arctic bear in the arctic grows, it is the largest predator on land. In its existent space, it is the topmost food chain. It has thick fat and hair to stay warm, its white appearance on white snow is good protective coloration, and it can on land and sea, so it can catch food in the arctic this extremely harsh climate survive.


北极熊(学名:Ursus maritimus意即“海熊“),又称为白熊或冰熊,是熊属的一个种,是北极地区的典型动物,可能是六十多万年前(也有不同的科学家认为是十五、二十、四十、甚至上百万年前),由灰熊演化出来。Polar bear (scientific name: Ursus maritimus means “sea bear“), also known as white bear or ice bear, is a species of the genus Ursus, a typical animal in the Arctic, probably more than 600,000 years ago (and different scientists think It was fifteen, twenty, forty, or even millions of years ago, and it evolved from the grizzly bear.