


简介: 老鼠的种类世界约有1700多种鼠类…在我国,有鼠类约170多种,我国南方主要鼠种有32种,老鼠有家栖和野栖两类。广东地区常见的家栖鼠主要有褐家鼠、黄胸鼠和小家鼠三种;野鼠主要是黄毛鼠,又称罗赛鼠、田鼠。 ...关键字:老鼠,老鼠危害,大家鼠,小家鼠,黄胸鼠老鼠的种类世界约有1700多种鼠类…在我国,有鼠类约170多种,我国南方主要鼠种有32种,老鼠有家栖和野栖两类。广东地区常见的家栖鼠主要有褐家鼠、黄胸鼠和小家鼠三种;野鼠主要是黄毛鼠,又称罗赛鼠、田鼠。1、大家鼠(褐家鼠):毛色灰,喜欢在墙根、墙角打洞,一般体重300g左右,大的有900g重。2、小家鼠(小耗子):毛色灰,个体较小,除墙根做窝外,经常与人作伴,重大约20—30g。3、还有屋顶鼠、大仓鼠、黄毛鼠等。4、黄胸鼠:体形比褐家鼠小,—般体重100-250克,尾长耳大,尾长超过体长。此外,还有—种食虫小兽,叫臭鼩鼱,俗称臭鼠。它不属鼠类,对人类危害很少,需与鼠类区别。


The Kangaroo is a common marsupial from the islands of Australia and New Guinea. There are 47 species of “roos.“ Kangaroos can hop up to 40 miles per hour (74 kph) and go over 30 feet (9 m) in one hop. These shy animals live about 6 years in the wild and up to 20 in captivity. Most roos are nocturnal (active at night). Many roos are in danger of extinction, but they are also considered pests due to the way they damage crops. An adult male is called a buck, boomer or jack; an adult female is called a doe, flyer, roo, or jill. A baby is called a joey. A group of roos is called a mob. Anatomy: Roos and wallabies range in size from 2 pounds (the Rock Wallaby) up to 6 ft and 300 pounds (the Red Kangaroo). The soft, woolly fur can be blue, grey, red, black, yellow or brown, depending on the species. Females have a pouch in which the young live and drink milk. Diet: These herbivores (plant-eaters) eat grass, leaves, and roots. They swallow their food without chewing it and later regurgitate a cud and chew it. Roos need little water; they can go for months without drinking, and they dig their own water wells.