谁知道蜥蜴最爱吃什么东西?壁虎跟蜥蜴有什么区别拜托了各位 谢谢




壁虎跟蜥蜴有什么区别拜托了各位 谢谢

同属于爬行纲 蜥蜴类 往下分很多科 有鬣蜥科 像常见的中国水龙、蜥蜴科 像捷蜥蜴、异蜥科 像瑶山鳄蜥、双领蜥科 像阿根廷黑白泰加、 美洲鬣蜥科 像绿鬣蜥 、石龙子科 像中国石龙子 蓝尾石龙子 蓝舌石龙子、 毒蜥科 全世界只有两种毒蜥 希腊毒蜥和墨西哥珠蜥、蛇蜥科 像脆蛇蜥 帝王蛇蜥 、巨蜥科 像平原巨蜥 尼罗河巨蜥 和很知名的科莫多巨蜥、避役科(变色龙科) 像高冠变色龙 七彩变色龙 国王变色龙、双肢蜥科 像鼹蜥、蚓蜥科 像黑白蚓蜥 壁虎则属于壁虎科 像蛙眼守宫 豹纹守宫 海南守宫 我大概就知道这么多了 可能很多不了解蜥蜴的人会以为只有蜥蜴和壁虎、变色龙这三个品种吧 但其实蜥蜴种类繁多 分很多科和种 但是它们还是同属于爬行纲 蜥蜴类的

作文:《蜥蜴》 用英语写

水蜥蜴 “五一”期间,爸爸旅游回来给我带回了三条水蜥蜴。 水蜥蜴?没听说过,先来看看它的尊容。瞧,条状又圆滑的身体连着那小巧的头部,身体的左右是它的四肢,还有脚爪子,只有四个趾头,披着一身黑黑的棉游泳衣。不过,它的肚皮是黄底黑点的,真象精美的图案。 乍一看,跟平常的蜥蜴没有什么不同嘛。不,它们最大的区别就是水蜥蜴会游泳。那柔软的四肢成了桨,架着身体在水里游来游去,自由自在的,它们在水里一起玩耍、休息。 若是它们玩累了,定会躺在它们的“卧室”里休息,静静地躺在水底 ,作为它的小睡。看它,可真舒服。不过,它那样子怪可怕的,我差点以为它们死了呢,用手摸一下,它又欢快的游来游去。挺会捉弄人吧! 我还把它放在地上,它照样很活跃,爬来爬去,没什么问题。我从朋友那儿得知,蜥蜴就是水蜥蜴,因为它是两栖动物,既可在水里生活,又可在陆地生活。我这才知道水蜥蜴就是蜥蜴啊! 我一直不知道水蜥蜴吃什么,所以没有喂食物,一连五天过去了,它还好好的活着,照常活着,它的生命力是多么顽强啊! 我喜欢这三条水蜥蜴. Water lizard    “51“ period, the father of tourism to come back to me back to the three water lizards.    Water lizards? Heard, first take a look at its face. Look, strip also sleek compact body that attached the head, the body about its limbs, as well as foot claws, only four toes head, dressed in a black cotton swimsuits. However, its belly is yellow at the end of black spots, the truth exquisite patterns.    At first glance, with the usual lizard is no different from them. No, their biggest difference is that water will be swimming lizards. The limbs became soft oar, mounted the body in the water swim freely, and they play together in the water, rest.    If they are playing tired, will be lying in their “bedroom“ and rest, quietly lying on the bottom, as its nap. See if it can be really uncomfortable. However, it looks strange that terrible, I almost thought that they died, the hand touch, it cheerful swimming. Ting would make fun of people now!    I also place it on the ground, it is still very active, no problem. I learned from a friend there, lizards lizards is water, because it is amphibians, both in the water of life, can live on land. I only know that water is lizards lizards ah!    I have been eating lizards do not know what the water, there is no food to feed for five days have passed, it will have to live life as usual, it is very tenacious vitality ah!    I like these three water lizards.选我啊!!!!!!!!! ^-^