


河马[hé mǎ]hippo; Hippopotamus; Hippopotamus amphibius; river horse汉英大词典Hippopotamus amphibius; hippo; river horse中中释义河马 [hé mǎ][hippopotamus;hippo] 属于偶蹄目的一些大型食草类,脚有四趾,主要是水栖的哺乳动物,有特别大的头和嘴,光滑无毛的特别厚的皮肤,短的四肢;尤指属于河马属( Hippopotamus )的动物(如 H.amphibius ),过去曾到处出现在非洲大多数河流中,除象以外是现存的最庞大的四足兽,有很长的犬齿和门齿,可充优质象牙用


河马[hé mǎ]Hippopotamus amphibius ; hippo ; river horse ; behemoth ; hippopotamus1. Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it. 狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。2. Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes. 在仅剩的几个水坑里,河马根本无法没入水中。3. hippos wallowing in the river.在河里打滚的河马。4. Hippopotamuses teem in this river. 这条河里有很多河马。5. Look at the hippo splashing about in the river. 看那只在河里溅水的河马。网络释义:河马1. hippo2. hippopotamus3. Hippopotamus amphibius4. Hippos


河马[hé mǎ]Hippopotamus amphibius ; hippo ; river horse ; behemoth ; hippopotamus1. Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it. 狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。2. Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes. 在仅剩的几个水坑里,河马根本无法没入水中。3. hippos wallowing in the river.在河里打滚的河马。4. Hippopotamuses teem in this river. 这条河里有很多河马。5. Look at the hippo splashing about in the river. 看那只在河里溅水的河马。网络释义:河马1. hippo2. hippopotamus3. Hippopotamus amphibius4. Hippos