


海豹:seal造句:The seal body thick circle assumes the fusiformate, the body weight 20~30 kilograms。(翻译:海豹体粗圆呈纺锤形,体重20~30千克。)I like seals.Because the seals are very clever and cute .(我喜欢海豹,因为海豹们十分聪明和可爱。)


海豹体粗圆呈纺锤形,体重20~30千克。全身披短毛,背部蓝灰色,腹部乳黄色,带有蓝黑色斑点。头近圆形,眼大而圆,无外耳廓,吻短而宽,上唇触须长而粗硬,呈念珠状。四肢均具5趾,趾间有蹼,形成鳍状肢,具锋利爪。后鳍肢大,向后延伸,尾短小而扁平。毛色随年龄变化:幼兽色深,成兽色浅。The seal body coarsefusiform, body weight 20 ~ 30 kg. The body with short, blue gray back, abdomenmilky yellow, with black spots. Head nearly round, big eyes and round, no ear,kisses short and wide, labial tentacles long and hard, in beadlike chains. Thelimbs are 5 toe, webbed toes, forming flippers, with sharp claws. After theflippers, extending back, the tail is short and flat. Hair color change withage : the cub color deep, shallow color into a beast.Seal, a meat-eating mammal found in all oceans of the world, but most abundant in Arctic and Antarctic waters. Some seals swim up rivers, and a few are found only in freshwater lakes. Probably the best-known seal species is the Californian sea lion, which is often trained to perform tricks. It is the species most often found in zoos.海豹,是一种在世界各大洋都找(看)得到的肉食性哺乳动物,而在北极和南极海域是最为丰富的。有一些海豹会游进河流里,而有一些只存在於淡水湖泊中。最知名的海豹可以算是美国加州的海狮了,它们经常受到专业的技巧训练。这也是在动物园里最常见的物种。