


Become scorpion external form , all be altitude several small cubes of meat or vegetable scleroderm are just like lute , the whole body surface. The long about 50 ~ 60 of fully grown scorpion body mm , body merogenesis are obvious , the pretext bosom and abdomen are composed of , experience and observe tawny, ventral and artus colour fifth section of colour is deeper than Dan , queen abdomen. Allosome , external form leave out scorpion male and female having difference. The head the bosom, be composed of six section , be been echelon, there is forenoon A in the back again , the person mounts densely covered graininess protuberance , central authority has the back to be hit by an eye once face to face , every has 3 oblique tones eyes on both side of fore-end, have 6 artus the first pair of the entire limb being to be helpful to eating an effect, the second couple of the angle being long but rude be similar to crab pincers must, attend to predation , tactile sensation and defense a function , be that the step is enough the others four pair. The mouth is located in the abdomen bottom in front of the cavity.成蝎外形,好似琵琶,全身表面,都是高度几丁质的硬皮。成蝎体长约50~60mm,身体分节明显,由头胸部及腹部组成,体黄褐色,腹面及附肢颜色较淡,后腹部第五节的颜色较深。蝎子雌雄异体,外形略有差异。头胸部,由六节组成,是梯形,背面复有头晌甲,其上密布颗粒状突起,背部中央有一对中眼,前端两侧各有3个侧眼,有附肢6只,第一对为有助食作用的整肢,第二对为长而粗的形似蟹螯的角须,司捕食、触觉及防御功能,其余四对为步足。口位于腹面前腔的底部。


  首先说明一下是理想状态的效益分析 仅供参考 详细信息你可以去(特养一族)看看.........及相关知识  蝎子养殖的效益分析  蝎子的药食功能是什么?  蝎子是名贵中药材,有息风止痉、通经活络、消肿止痛、攻毒散结等功能。可用于治疗风湿顽症、半身不遂、 四肢麻木、中风、瘰疬、破伤风、无名肿毒、癌症、性病、艾滋病等。在中医学上,共有100多种疾病需要蝎子进行治疗。因其体含有特殊蛋白质,自古以来就是人们餐桌上的美味。具有很强的滋补、保健、美容价值。  请分析人工养蝎的可行性?  (1)前景光明,为国家“星火计划”免税项目;  (2)市场稳定,销售价格多年来只升不降;  (3)用途广泛,具有极高的医用及食用价值;  (4)本小利大,经济价值高,养殖回报率高;  (5)蝎子食量小排粪少,无臭味,不污染环境;  (6)蝎子生命力强盛,不传染病害,无需防疫;  (7)蝎子昼伏夜出,养殖不占用白天工作,利用晚间喂食即可;  (8)占地面积小,利用闲房、阳台、墙角或简易温棚即可养殖;  (9)繁殖速度快,产仔多,每胎可产30—50只,每年能产2—4胎;  (10)养殖劳动强度低,人人都可饲养,并具有很强的技术性。  人工养蝎效益高吗?  以1000只种蝎计算:1000条种蝎有700只雌蝎,300只雄蝎,按每只母蝎每次产30—60只幼蝎(平均30只),以年产2胎,幼蝎成活率80%计算:  700只母蝎年产数量=700只*30只*2次*80%=33600只幼蝎;  幼蝎8个月长大后成为商品蝎,按市场销售价550元/ 千克计算(每千克约700只);  33600只/700只*550元=26400元;  26400元-建筑费-饲料费-种蝎费3250元=23000元  蝎子寿命8—10年,此为一次投资长期受益。