德文卷毛猫,别号 德文帝王猫,英文名 Devon Rex。1960年,在英国德文郡又发现了一只卷毛猫。它是继1950年在英国柯尼斯郡发现的柯尼斯猫后的又一卷毛猫。起初,人们认为那两种猫有血缘关系。但是用它们交配生的都是曲毛的猫,那就证明德文猫和柯尼斯猫是两种差别基因构成的
头 部
耳 朵
眼 睛
四 肢
足 掌
尾 巴
披 毛
毛 色
关于德文卷毛猫简介(转自CFA官网)The Devon Rex, the Pixie of the Cat Fancy, sports oversized ears on an elfin face with large impish eyes. This adorable combination only hints at the mad-cap personality within – a cross, some say, between a cat, a dog, a monkey, and Dennis the Menace. They are a fun and fun-loving breed with a relaxed and social attitude rarely associated with cats. Delightfully silly in both appearance and antics, Devons are interested in everything and everyone around them. Their playful nature means Devons easily learn tricks and are always up for a game of hide-and-seek, tag, or fetch.
This unique breed possesses intensely loyal, human-loving, dog-like qualities. A person must be prepared to be owned by a Devon. A Devon will eat with you, sleep with you, and perch cozily on your shoulder while you are on the computer or reading. They will follow you around the house, sit at your feet, or jump on your lap the minute you sit down. A Devon will accompany you on your household chores, happily trilling, cooing, and chirping as they look for ways to help. Children and Devons are naturals as best friends and tireless playmates.
Family members will frequently find a Devon nestled in their laps or cradled in their arms. You should not be surprised to find a Devon tucked in bed with you or another family member, snuggled underneath the covers or firmly settled onto a pillow. Devons remain kittens at heart forever, and their loving nature connects them deeply with every family member.
The social nature of the Devon makes them unsuited to spending long periods of time without companionship. Devons do not discriminate in terms of the company they keep. They do very well with people, other Devons (often creating a “Devon pile”), cats, dogs, and even the occasional bird, ferret, or rabbit.
Words of caution: Devons are food hounds. Whether it is the traditional burger and fries or the more unusual asparagus tips, grapes, or olives, be prepared to guard your dinner plate from the fast and crafty Devon in the house. They never turn down a meal and would be happy to assist you with yours. Do not be taken in by the pleading or the heartbreakingly pitiful expressions that would suggest they have not had a meal in weeks.
The appearance of the Devon Rex is far from ordinary, given their long skinny necks, oddly shaped heads, ridiculously big ears, and coat that can range from wildly curly to a soft suedelike down. They really are 100% feline, even if they seem to be 99% personality and 1% cat. Adult Devons are midsized cats, averaging six to nine pounds, with males heavier than females. The coat may vary over the life of the cat, with some kittens dropping much of their coat (molting) during their development, and some adult coats changing seasonally. Devons are low maintenance, wash-and-wear companions. Despite popular myth, Devons are not hypoallergenic. They do shed, although their unique coat may make the shedding hair less obtrusive than that of many cats. While some people with animal allergies tolerate Devons very well, anyone with allergy issues should arrange to handle a Devon before considering acquiring one.
They may look like they have just arrived on Earth on an alien spaceship, but they are a natural mutation. They originated in Devonshire, England, in the late 1950s when a Miss Cox found that a stray cat in her care had given birth to a rather odd looking curly-haired kitten. Delighted with the kitten’s elfin features and wavy curls, she named him Kirlee – the founding father of this unique breed.
Mother Nature created the feline oddity, this lithe and winsome pixie cat. Man had no hand in the mutation, but man did step in and make it possible for the mutation to survive and flourish, providing cat lovers around the globe the opportunity to meet, love, and be loved by one of nature’s true miracles – the Devon Rex cat. Colors include a wide array of solid, shaded, smoke, tabby, bi-color, and pointed patterns.
When selecting your Devon Rex kitten or cat, it is important you take the time to properly interview and get to know a breeder, as this will be to your advantage when looking for a Devon Rex to join your family. Breeders will usually make kittens available between the ages of 14 to 16 weeks, when they have had sufficient time with their mother and littermates to be well socialized and old enough to have been fully vaccinated. Keeping your Devon indoors, neutering or spaying, and providing acceptable surfaces (e.g. scratching posts) for the natural behavior of scratching (CFA disapproves of declawing or tendonectomy surgery) are essential elements for maintaining a healthy, long, and joyful life.德文卷毛猫,猫中的精灵,大而尖的耳朵、淘气的大眼睛长在“小精灵”样的脸上。 如许的长相组合, 有的人说那种长相,似猫又似狗,又像山公和邻家小鬼. 该品种的猫,充满情趣和乐趣,有着轻松的社会立场,那点其他猫都不太会有。外不雅呆萌,动做风趣,任何四周的事物和人城市引起德文猫的兴趣。它们爱玩的本性意味着它们和快就学会一些魔术,始末连结玩游戏的激情,好比,躲猫猫、标签,或捡工具。
长时间没有陪同的情况下,德文猫的社会本性会让它们十分长不适应。德文猫不会区别陪同它们的人或物. 他们和人类、其他德文猫、狗狗以至是偶尔碰到的鸟、雪貂或兔相处优良。
留意事项:德文猫是猎食者。无论是传统的汉堡薯条,或更不寻常的芦笋尖,葡萄或橄榄,庇护好你的盘子,他们会快速和狡猾的偷吃。他们历来不回绝吃饭,且愿意帮忙你吃你的饭。不要相信它们那种恰似几周都没有吃饭的哀告或令人心碎的可怜脸色。德文雷克斯的外不雅远非一般,因为其脖子细长,头部外形奇异,好笑的大耳朵,以及与薄而粗拙的毛。固然他们99%相人只要1%的猫性,但是它们100%是猫科动物。成年德文猫具有中型猫科动物的体型,均匀在六到九英镑,公猫比母猫重。 它们的外相会相伴他们一生。在它们的生长过程中,或换毛季节,一些猫会掉毛,小猫会退掉大部门的毛(蜕皮)。德文猫不需要太多的护理。 虽然有一些传言,但德文猫却不会引起过敏。固然他们比起一般的猫来说褪毛时候还都雅,但是它们确实会褪毛。有些人与其他动物相处会过敏,但与德文猫却不会。因而任何有过敏问题的人,若是要养猫,考虑养一只德文猫吧。
它们看起来可能像飞船中刚刚抵达地球上的外星人,但是它们却是一种天然物种。它们起源于英格兰德文郡,在1950年代末考克斯密斯发现,她赐顾帮衬的流离猫生下了一个相当奇异、有着卷毛的小猫; 她连系那只猫的精灵般的长相和海浪卷毛,给那只猫起名Kirlee---也就是那个奇特物种的祖先。大天然那位母亲缔造了猫科动物的那个怪胎,那种轻巧和妩媚的精灵猫。人类没有让基因突变的本领,但是却能够使突变的基因保存和繁荣,给全世界爱猫人士供给了见那种猫,爱那种猫的时机,也为人类供给了被那种天然中的实在奇观所爱的时机,那就是德文雷克斯猫。它们的毛色浩瀚,包罗固体范畴,暗影,烟灰,虎斑,双色,以及特有的款式。