



一张典型的恐龙的演化树 Benson et al., 2014





配合衍征(shared derived character/synapomorphy)能够被逃溯到配合祖先并且不在更早的祖先或者其他旁收中呈现,




对恐龙那个类群而言,除了基于树的定义,还有基于形态学的定义。通过大量的比照剖解工做,研究人员发现了有很多配合衍征存在于恐龙那个大类群中,基于Nesbitt 2011年的工做,也是他博士论文中的一章,以下12个配合衍征是属于恐龙那个类群的(间接粘贴维基百科dinosaur词条,次要都是剖解学的概念,感兴趣的同窗能够本身翻译或者看原论文):

in the skull, a supratemporal fossa (excavation) is present in front of the supratemporal fenestra, the main opening in the rear skull roofepipophyses, obliquely backward pointing processes on the rear top corners, present in the anterior (front) neck vertebrae behind the atlas and axis, the first two neck vertebraeapex of deltopectoral crest (a projection on which the deltopectoral muscles attach) located at or more than 30% down the length of the humerus (upper arm bone)radius, a lower arm bone, shorter than 80% of humerus lengthfourth trochanter (projection where the caudofemoralis muscle attaches on the inner rear shaft) on the femur (thighbone) is a sharp flangefourth trochanter asymmetrical, with distal, lower, margin forming a steeper angle to the shafton the astragalus and calcaneum, upper ankle bones, the proximal articular facet, the top connecting surface, for the fibula occupies less than 30% of the transverse width of the elementexoccipitals (bones at the back of the skull) do not meet along the midline on the floor of the endocranial cavity, the inner space of the braincasein the pelvis, the proximal articular surfaces of the ischium with the ilium and the pubis are separated by a large concave surface (on the upper side of the ischium a part of the open hip joint is located between the contacts with the pubic bone and the ilium)cnemial crest on the tibia (protruding part of the top surface of the shinbone) arcs anterolaterally (curves to the front and the outer side)distinct proximodistally oriented (vertical) ridge present on the posterior face of the distal end of the tibia (the rear surface of the lower end of the shinbone)concave articular surface for the fibula of the calcaneum (the top surface of the calcaneum, where it touches the fibula, has a hollow profile)


The Early Evolution of Archosaurs: Relationships and the Origin of Major Clades​www.researchgate.net/publication/232678368_The_Early_Evolution_of_Archosaurs_Relationships_and_the_Origin_of_Major_Clades

