

这句话表现了作者的人生态度和追求;也给我们做人做事以很深的启示七年级上册英语寒假作业答案【人教版】英 语Happy English (No.1)1.(1)They have fans.(fans是关键词,一词同有河岸和银行之意)(4)In adictionary.(dictionary是关键词)(5)Because theletter C makes being fat a fact.(fact是关键词)2.(1)C (2)A (3)A (4)D (5)BHappy English (No.2)1. play football,想不到丑陋的数更竟然延伸初美丽……”(2)因为她看到了树根在阳光下的部分非常美丽,4.说明默默无闻的、平凡的人往往都在为世界的美好在工作着、奉献着,4.这句话的含义是:让别人活得快乐的同时,一词同有粉丝和风扇之意)- 5 -(2)There is nochange.(change是关键词,一词同有零钱和变化之意)(3)Because the rivershave banks.(banks是关键词,自己也获得了快乐;让别人获得幸福的同时。




英 语
Happy English (No.1)
1.(1)They have fans.(fans是关键词,一词同有粉丝和风扇之意)
- 5 -
(2)There is nochange.(change是关键词,一词同有零钱和变化之意)
(3)Because the rivershave banks.(banks是关键词,一词同有河岸和银行之意)
(4)In adictionary.(dictionary是关键词)
(5)Because theletter C makes being fat a fact.(fact是关键词)
2.(1)C (2)A (3)A (4)D (5)B
Happy English (No.2)
1. play football;wash face;play the violin;talk on the phone;argue with sb;go fishing
2.(1)C (2)A (3)E (4)F (5)H
3.(1) The Sun.
(2) It gives usheat and light.
(3) The moon isjust 380,000 kilometers away.
(4) Because itis very far away.
(5) It takesfour years for light to reach us from Alpha Centauri.
Happy English (No.3)
2.(1) Is it expensive/dear to visit England/Britain/the Great Britain? (visit用travel to, take a trip to 等等表示旅
(2) What are thedifferences between England and France?
(3) Do you knowany good restaurants in England? / Do you know something delicious to eat inEngland? / Do you
know somewhere to have good meals in England?(类似同义句意思正确即可)
(4) Where elseshall/can we visit?/ Where else is also interesting to visit?/ Where else isalso worth visiting?/
Where else can’t be missed? (意思表达正确即可)
(5) What shall Ibuy for friends?/ What shall I buy as souvenirs/gifts for friends? (表达出礼物、纪念品之意
Happy English (No.4)
be was/ were buy bought see saw
cook cooked begin began steal stole
know knew do did take took
swim swam cost cost sleep slept
get got find found sit sat
teach taught throw threw meet met
leave left stand stood bring brought
feel felt speak spoke fly flew
smell smelt come came wake woke
drive drove give gave choose chose
run ran hear heard lose lost
think thought send sent read read
keep kept hurt hurt rise rose
2.(1) What’s your favorite sports?
(2) A man stolea purse from a tourist.
(3) Did theycatch the thief?
(4) Our classconsists of 40 students.
(5) I aimed thetorch at his eye.
Happy English (No.5)
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every day/
last Sunday/
two days ago
next week/
in three days
attend I attend the class every day. I didn’t attend a club yesterday. I will attend a meeting next week.
Our teacher often explains
new words in English.
I explained why I was late for
school two days ago.
I will explain it to you tomorrow.
I never steal something from
He stole a bag from me last
He is going to steal her diamond
next week.
invite I often invite her to my house.
He invited me to his birthday
party last week.
I will invite you to see a film
2.Tom saved $25.
Tom needs $60 to buy the bag.
Happy English (No.6)
1. (1) The child is going to the reception desk.
(2) The child isat the reception desk.
(3) The child iswalking out from the reception desk.
(4) The child isputting a dish onto the table.
(5) There is adish on the table.
(6) The dish isfalling off the table.
(7) There issomething above the bed.
(8) There issomething below the bed.
(9) There is aman in front of the car.
(10) There is aman behind the car.
(11) There is aman between two cars.
(12) A boy iswalking into a house.
(13) There is aboy in the house.
(14) A boy iswalking out of the house.
Happy English (No.7)
Monkeys Elephants Kangaroos
Lions and Tigers the parrot house
Zebras the information desk
Happy English (No.8)
1. I always take a shower.
I usually do homework.
I often play football.
I sometimes watch TV.
I never go shopping.
I sometimes go to bed early.
2.(1) The largest Mammals in the World.
(2) Weight.
(3) Whiterhinoceros.
(4) 100 feet.
(5) 8,000pounds.
(6) Whiterhinoceros.