记忆英语 方法
1.根据发音来记.你如果会,cake,你就会bake,wake,make,rake,sake,fake,lake,take... 2.单词可分节来记.最好是三个字母一节.(有人做过实验,说是记数字或是字母,三个一节比较有效,我记电话号码就是三个三个记得.单词也一样:won der ful(wonderful) 3.掌握词性,就是它们的形容词,变副词,变名词等... attention-- attentive-- attentively direction--direct--directly 4.把学过的单词口头或是笔头上造个句字.这样你印象会很深刻的. 5.及时复习学过的单词.如果你等过了一两个星期再回来看,可能记得的单词所剩无几.最好是记词组:look at, look after, look forward to, look into... 最后,就是多用:多听,多说,多看,多写.那样单词就自然嵌在你脑里.记住,不要烦恼,忘记刚刚学的单词等会儿再看一下.明天这个时候又复习下今天记的单词.走在路上,可以口头上把单词造个句.也可找个朋友,他说单词你拼写.试一试?
记忆 名词memory; recollection; remembrance 动词to recollect; to memorize ----- 在语言环境中记忆的译法实例1. The verb patterns are shown in this dictionary by mnemonic codes. 动词模式在本词典中用易于记忆的符号标示. 2. Then, with a movement which was as nearly as possible unconscious, he crumpled up the original message and any notes that he himself had made, and dropped them into the memory hole to be devoured by the flames. 而后,他再把原始的指示,连同他做的所有备忘,揉成个纸团儿,丢进记忆洞里听任火焰吞噬——他尽量把这个动作,做得仿佛下意识的习惯。 3. There is no course syllabus to be memorized; 没有需要记忆的课程大纲; 4. There is no research to indicate recalled memories are more or less accurate than memories available all along. 并没有研究表明唤起的记忆是否比一直以来的记忆更加准确。 5. There was the dream itself, and there was a memory connected with it that had swum into his mind in the few seconds after waking. 除了梦本身之外,还有与梦有关的记忆,那是在醒来以后几秒钟之内浮现在他心中的。 6. There may even be a mnemonic for all this. 对此也许有一种帮助记忆的方法。 7. Thereafter the touch of every object would bring a glowing memory of how that object looked. 此后,对每个东西的触摸都将留下一个强烈的记忆,那东西看起来是怎样的。 8. Time alone will efface those unpleasant memories. 只有时间才能使人淡忘那些不快的记忆. 9. Time, like air, is shapeless -- not perceivable. However, people mark it by the second, minute, hour, day, month and year, so that it becomes something that one can recall. 时间原是与空气一样无形无物的东西,可人类终于把它用秒、分、时,日、月、年雕刻成为了记忆。